Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
Hello! I am Mrs Attwood, the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo).
My role here at William Law begins with managing those children who have been identified as needing additional support within the classroom. This may be due to a diagnosed learning need, or a need that has been identified by either the teachers or yourselves as parent.
My primary aim is to ensure the correct provision is being delivered to your child during their time with us and this comes in many forms, all of which can be seen in greater detail in our SEND Information report.
Another of my key beliefs is collaboration. Working together will always achieve more so I aim to provide good levels of communication between myself, teachers, professionals and parents to ensure that each child is getting the support they need. As with any relationship however there is undoubtedly times when disagreement occurs, but through open, honest discussions I hope to find a resolve between any upset parties.
If you have any questions or queries regarding your child, their learning or their development that cannot be answered by their class teacher, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Mrs Attwood
Complaints about SEND provision
We urge parents / carers with any concerns regarding the SEND policy or the provision made for their child to speak to the academy as soon as possible and, in the first instance, to the class teacher or the SENCO. If parents / carers feel their child's needs are still not being met they should make an appointment to see the Headteacher. If concerns are still unresolved parents / carers may wish to engage with PDET’s Complaints policy procedures.
NB - any issue relating to statutory SEN assessments should be pursued with the relevant Local Authority and not via PDET’s Complaints policy.
If parents / carers require further advice / support, they should use the local Information, Advice and Support Service for Special Educational Needs and Disability SENDIASS:
Local Offer Impartial Information Advice and Support | Peterborough Information Network
Useful links for parents and carers
Information about all services available to support children who are disabled or who have SEN and their families
A parent & carer forum with signposting to local support and of children and young people with SEND
Information, impartial advice and support to parents/carers of and children/young people who have SEND
Cognition and Learning
This year, children have accessed the following resources and interventions:
Clicker 7 - computer software on a laptop for word processing and recording learning (Year 3-6)
Nessy Reading and Spelling – an interactive, multi-media learning programme online for children with difficulties in literacy (all years)
Supported Spelling – a daily 1:1 programme to develop reading and spelling using onset and rime (all years)
SOS Spelling – a daily spelling assessment focussing on five words, only replacing a word once they can spell it three days in a row (all years)
Project X Code – a group reading intervention using engaging books, led by a teaching assistant three times a week (Year 3/4)
Precision Teaching – a short, daily 1:1 intervention to support memory of facts e.g. reading key words, number bonds (all years)
Success at Arithmetic – a calculation-based group intervention (Year 5)
All provision and pupil progress is reviewed termly at SEND Pupil Profile meetings with the teacher and parents/carers.
Communication and Interaction
This year, children have accessed the following resources and interventions:
- Assessment targets and resources from our school's link Speech and Language Therapist for specific children
- Language for Thinking - a programme used one-to-one or small group to develop children's language from concrete to the abstract
- Pre-teaching - a weekly group to teach children the key vocabulary that will be used in up-coming lessons
- Debate Club / Games Groups - weekly groups led by a learning mentor, focussing on listing and responding appropriately, or turn-taking and sharing
- Word Mats and Working Walls - resources to support vocabulary relevant to the lesson or topic
- Social Stories - short descriptions of a particular situation, event or activity, which includes specific information about what to expect in that situation and why, written specifically for the child and shared with them daily.
All provision and pupil progress is reviewed termly at SEND Pupil Profile meetings with the teacher and parents/carers.
SEND Information Report
Who can I contact for further information or to discuss a concern?
The first point of contact would be the child’s class teacher to share any concerns (click here to see class-teacher and teaching assistant names with photographs)
You could also arrange to meet with the SENCo, Mrs Attwood - senco@williamlaw.pdet.org.uk
The SEND Link Governor is Mrs Hornsby.
Peterborough SEND Partnership Service provides independent advice and support for families; contact Marion Deeley: 01733 863979 or pps@peterborough.gov.uk
SEND Information Report 2024SEND Policy
All provision and pupil progress is reviewed termly at SEND Pupil Profile meetings with the teacher and parents/carers.
Sensory and/or Physical Needs
This year, children have accessed the following resources and interventions:
Sensory Circuits – a daily sensory and motor programme before the school day starts
FrontRow - soundfield systems in the classrooms of those children with a hearing impairment
Coloured overlays as well as coloured exercise books and worksheets
Enlarged texts and magnifying equipment for those children with a visual impairment
Movement breaks throughout the school day, including gross motor work
Fidgets including chews and hand tools
Fine motor practice and supporting equipment such as pencil grips
Occupational Therapy resources such as weighted jackets, move ‘n’ sit cushions, sloped writing boards
Laptops for recording learning
All provision and pupil progress is reviewed termly at SEND Pupil Profile meetings with the teacher and parents/carers.
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
This year, our children have accessed support from our learning mentors, either 1:1 or group, to help break down any barriers they may have to learning. They are trained to deliver the ‘Talk and Draw’ programme and ELSA methods (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant). They have worked with children on a range of issues including (but not limited to):
- Anxiety
- Emotions
- Bereavement
- Social skills e.g. turn-taking, how to access playground games
- Personal skills e.g. perseverance, self-esteem, confident, resilience
Our children also have the opportunity to care for our school pets, three guinea pigs.
All provision and pupil progress is reviewed termly at SEND Pupil Profile meetings with the teacher and parents/carers.