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William Law CE Primary School

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Staff Team

Meet the Staff (ID 1017)

Classes 2024 - 2025

Class Year Group Staff
Dragonflies Early Years Mrs Hallam
Butterflies Early Years Mrs Fotheringham
Ladybirds Early Years Miss Brown
5B Year 1 Miss Byrne
6SB Year 1 Mrs Saczek and Miss Burch
7B Year 2 Miss Bateman
8A Year 2 Mrs Allen
9TW Year 2 Miss Tompson-Wright
21RJ Year 3 Mrs Rushbrook and Mrs Jummun
18K Year 3 Miss Kaur
16CD Year 3 Miss Currie and Miss Davis
19R Year 4 Miss Robinson
12E Year 4 Mr Evans
15OR Year 4 Mr Ormston and Mrs Rushbrook
14R Year 5 Mr Rance
20BE Year 5 Mrs Bowers and Mrs Espie
11S Year 5 Miss Storer
10R Year 6 Mr Richards
13C Year 6 Miss Cundy
17G Year 6 Miss Glenn

Staff Gallery

First School

Our First School includes Reception, Years 1 and 2. If you need to speak to a teacher please email office@williamlaw.pdet.org.uk in the first instance, allowing 48 hours for a response.    

Miss Byrne is the EYFS and Year 1 and 2 Lead.

First School (ID 1018)

Middle School

Our Middle School consists of Years 3 and 4. If you need to speak to a teacher please email office@williamlaw.pdet.org.uk in the first instance, allowing 48 hours for a response.    

Mrs Cornwall is the Team Leader for Years 3 - 6.  

Middle School (ID 1019)


 Upper School

Our Upper School consists of Years 5 and 6. If you need to speak to a teacher please email office@williamlaw.pdet.org.uk in the first instance, allowing 48 hours for a response.    

Mrs Cornwall is the Team Leader for Years 3 - 6.

Upper School (ID 1020)


 Subject Teachers

 Our subject teachers are responsible for teaching their respective subjects in school.

Subject Teachers (ID 1021)



 Learning Mentors

Learning Mentors provide support and guidance to children who are experiencing difficulties in learning due to social, emotional or behaviour problems or other issues.  They provide support through one-to-one work and small group work.

Learning Mentors welcome referrals from parents/carers.  

If you need support while school is closed use the following link for Family Action https://www.family-action.org.uk/

On the website you will find lots of useful information and a variety of ways that you can contact them for further support.

We work with children, their families, school staff and outside agencies to help develop their potential by removing barriers to learning.

A barrier to learning is anything that prevents a child from being in a suitable emotional or physical state to engage in lessons.

These factors could be:

  • Absence from school

  • Lateness/poor organisational skills

  • Bereavement

  • Behavioural difficulties

  • Bullying (victim and perpetrator)

  • Family difficulties

  • Friendship issues

  • Moving to a new house or school

  • Medical needs

  • Lack of social skills

  • Low self confidence

We support children in various ways, including working with them in the classroom, one-to-one or group sessions, being out in the playground and encouraging children to set their own realistic targets.

We also provide an environment where children can express their feelings safely. 

If you have anything you would like to discuss, please feel free to contact us. We are out on the playground every morning before school, or you can phone the school office, (01733 577600).

Learning Mentors (ID 1022)




Our role here at William Law begins with managing those children who have been identified as needing additional support within the classroom. This may be due to a diagnosed learning need, or a need that has been identified by either the teachers or yourselves as parent.

Our primary aim is to ensure the correct provision is being delivered to your child during their time with us and this comes in many forms.

SENDCo and LAC (ID 1023)



To contact school please email office@williamlaw.pdet.org.uk

For invoice queries please email invoices@williamlaw.pdet.org.uk

For queries relating to governance in school please email ctg@williamlaw.pdet.org.uk

For queries relating to The Hive, Out of School Club please email osc@williamlaw.pdet.org.uk

Administration (ID 1024)



 Facilities Team 

Our facilities team are responsible for the cleanliness of our school.

Facilities Team (ID 1025)


 Catering Staff 

Our catering team provide in-house meals at lunchtimes and at The Hive, Out of School Club.

Catering Staff (ID 1026)

 Midday Supervisors

Our Midday Supervisors are responsible for supporting the children during their lunch time whether this be eating their lunch or playing outside. 

Midday Supervisors (ID 1027)


 Out of School Club (The Hive)

For queries relating to The Hive, please email osc@williamlaw.pdet.org.uk where our Administrator will be able to assist you. Please also see our page on Out of School Club.

Out of School (The Hive) (ID 1028)

Teaching Assistants 

Our Teaching Assistants support the children in any Key Stage throughout school, on a 1:1 basis or in groups. 

Teaching Assistants (ID 1089)

Higher Level Teaching Assistants 

 Our Higher Level Teaching Assistants support in any Key Stage throughout school.

Higher Level Teaching Assistants (ID 1090)

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