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Wrap Around Care - Out of School Club

Welcome to The Hive, William Law Out of School Club

The club runs daily, during term times, from 7.45am - 8.40am and then after school from 3.15pm - 6.00pm.  


Costs for 2024/2025
Breakfast Club £5.20 per child
After School Club £10.00 per child

 Menus are sent out via Arbor. 


At or around the beginning of each month, sessions will be booked via Arbor in The Hive Breakfast Club and/or The Hive After School Club (depending which one your child/ren attend), which in turn creates an invoice per session. As soon as a session is booked, an invoice is raised. Arbor creates an invoice for each session booked. 

Your bookings will be made in July for September which should be paid by 20th August .    Bookings will then be made in September for October sessions and so on. Fees should be paid in full on the 20th of each month in advance for the following month i.e. paid by 20th August for September's sessions irrespective of whether school is open. Parents are able to download/print/screenshot their invoices by going into their child's profile (please see FAQ pages for instructions).  

Your next month's invoice will not be raised until fees have been paid in full for the previous month i.e. if October's fees have not been paid by 20th September, bookings will not be made for November and you will not receive your invoices at the beginning of October. This means that your child cannot attend in November. Persistent late payments will jeopardise your child/rens place at the club.

A reminder email will be sent out around 18th of the month to advise that you need to pay your invoice. An automated email is sent out around the 21st of each month if payment has not been made.

If the amount at the top of your account is in red, this means that you still owe money on the account, if it is green it means that your account is in credit. If it is grey, this means that your account is clear.    


Payments should be made via Arbor

If you pay by Childcare Vouchers please ensure your child's surname is used in the reference. If you pay by Tax-Free Credits (Universal Credits), can you please ensure that you provide school with your reference number so that we can match your payment up.   There is no change in the ways these payments are made. Once school have received confirmation from our Trust that payment has been made, your account will be credited with the amount.  

Please continue to contact The Hive by emailing osc@williamlaw.pdet.org.uk if you require emergency sessions booking. School will do this on your behalf and an invoice will be raised that should be paid before the session is taken. Please note below for the times when the email address is manned. If you need an emergency session at breakfast club, please phone the Club Manager from 7.30am on the number below to see whether there is a space. Please do not just turn up as we may not have the space to accommodate you. 

Every year around May/June time, current attendees at The Hive will be sent an application form so they can request a place for the following academic year. You will receive confirmation of your place before the end of the summer term.  

New intakes to Reception are invited to attend Taster Sessions at The Hive. An application form will be given to Parent/Carers at their Induction Days.   

If you have any queries, please email osc@williamlaw.pdet.org.uk between 8.00am and 4.00pm or contact the Club Manager between 7.40am and 8.00am and 3.45pm - 6.00pm Monday to Friday on 07522 987068. 


Permanent Request - OSC Application Form 2024-25Emergency Request - Application Form 2024-25


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why are paper invoices not being issued as in previous years?

Following a recent communication survey, school have listened to parent/carers and have introduced one MIS system for school. All communications and payments will be centralised through Arbor.   Parent/carers should sign up to the Arbor app or Arbor portal. Paper invoices are no longer available from the school and it is not possible to provide receipts. Parents are able to view the invoices and screenshot them from their child's profile (go to Payments, click on Invoices, then The Hive Out of School Club). 

2. Can I sign up for my child to attend at The Hive myself via the Arbor app or Arbor portal?

For regular attendees at The Hive, school will book the sessions requested which in turn will raise an invoice for payment.

If your account is in credit, then you are able to make your own emergency bookings.

3. I need proof of payment for Universal Credits. How can I get this from Arbor?

Please email osc@williamlaw.pdet.org.uk and ask for a letter for Universal Credits showing your invoices. A list of the invoices that have raised and the total amount will be provided on a format that is acceptable to Universal Credits. You will not automatically receive one every month, you must request it. 

4.  Can my child attend The Hive, Out of School Club for part of their booked session

Breakfast club operates from 7.45am - 8.40am and after school club from 3.15pm - 6.00pm.   You can bring/collect your child at any point during these times (not before), however you will be charged for the full session. Collection must be made by 6.00pm, otherwise a fine of £1 per minute you are late will be charged as per our policy.  

5. How do I book an emergency session for my child? 

If you wish to book an emergency session please email osc@williamlaw.pdet.org.uk and school will book you a place. If you child has not attended at The Hive before you will be sent some documents to complete and return.   If you are not able to get the paperwork back before the session is needed, you will be asked to provide a password. Payments for emergency sessions should be made before the session is taken.   

6.  Can I start my child mid-way through the year?

Please contact The Hive Administrator via osc@williamlaw.pdet.org.uk who will be able to advise if there is space to accommodate your request. If there is, you will need to complete the necessary paperwork (which can be found at the bottom of this page) and return it to school along with making payment for the fees for the sessions requested, in advance of your child commencing at The Hive.  

7. My child is due to start at The Hive, however I have not been given the gate code?

Please contact osc@williamlaw.pdet.org.uk to request this. Due to safeguarding, this code should not be given to anyone other than the person who is dropping off/collecting the child. Please do not give the code to your child, an adult should be bringing them to the door of The Hive every day.     

8. Why do I have to pay a month in advance for my child's sessions?

This is so we can identify how many spaces we have month on month and allows us to plan the necessary resources and food and ensure that staff are paid.

Payments can be made weekly as long as the total cost of the invoice is paid in full by the 20th of the month (this date must be adhered to whether or not the school is open).

9. Why am I chased regularly about not paying my invoice?

Contracts are signed by parent/carers at the beginning of the year to confirm that you will adhere to the Club's policies including making payment in full by the 20th of the month.    Late payments impact on the administration of the registers and invoices for the following month as well as hindering the ordering for resources and food for the children for the next month in a timely fashion. 

A reminder is sent out approximately two days before the invoice is due to be paid and an automated email is sent out around the 21st of the month to those whose payment has not been received by the school via Arbor or direct into the Trust's bank account i.e. National Savings or Childcare Voucher payment.

10. My child attends an after school activity club in school, can they go to The Hive when this finishes?

Yes. Parents should email osc@williamlaw.pdet.org.uk to advise them that this is the case and the child will be collected from their after school activity and taken over to The Hive. 

11. My child is attending another club on a day that they would normally come to The Hive, can I cancel their sessions on that day whilst they are doing this other activity? 

You can request a cancellation of this nature by emailing osc@williamlaw.pdet.org.uk to advise. The sessions/invoices will be cancelled and you will receive confirmation that this has been done. When/if you need that space again once the other activity has finished, please email osc@williamlaw.pdet.org.uk to request a space again. Please note however that we cannot guarantee that there will be any spaces to accommodate your request. 

12. My child in KS1 wants to attend the School Association disco, can they bring in a change of clothes and be taken over to the disco by a member of the Hive?

Yes this is possible as long as the parent has emailed osc@williamlaw.pdet.org.uk in advance, to request for this to happen. Due to The Hive closing at 6.00pm, KS2 children should be collected from The Hive and taken to the school disco by their parent.

13. My child is going on a school residential, do I have to pay for these days?

From 2020, no charges are being made for those children attending a residential on the days when they would normally attend at The Hive. All other days will be charged in full, whether your child attends or not, unless in exceptional circumstances which have been authorised by the Headteacher.  

14. My child is in Year 6 and I pay all my fees by Childcare vouchers.  If my account is in credit, how do I claim this back at the end of the school year?

Unfortunately, due to the tax implications, school is not able to refund you directly for any overpayment made by Childcare Vouchers. To ensure that you are not in credit at the end of the academic year, we suggest that you reduce your amount of payments to your childcare company as the year comes to a close.

15. My child is starting school in September, can I put their name on the application form for my child that already attends at The Hive?

You can put all your children down on the same form, however we will not look at the Reception child's application until the deadline for receipt of the Reception cohort forms. 

16. Who can I contact if I am not happy with something relating to The Hive?

In the first instance, please email osc@williamlaw.pdet.org.uk. Your concern will be forwarded to the Club Manager or the person from the Senior Leadership Team who is responsible for The Hive, to action/respond to. Please do not email the Headteacher directly. Please allow 48 hours for a response to be provided.  

If you have any questions that have not been answered here, please email osc@williamlaw.pdet.org.uk


Arbor - Viewing and Downloading Invoices

Arbor Receipts



Please find below the policies which relate to The Hive, Out of School Club.

The Hive - Admissions Policy

The Hive - Arrival and Collection of Children Policy

The Hive - Missing Children Policy

The Hive - Payment of Fees

The Hive - Uncollected Children Policy

The Hive adheres to all other school policies



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