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William Law CE Primary School

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Vision and Values

At William Law CE Primary School, we fulfil our Christian vision through the verse from the Bible, (Matthew 22 v 37-39) Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.   And the second is like this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’"   

Our strap line to support this Biblical verse is, Learning, Living and Loving Together to be the best that we can be and to flourish. This embodies everything that we aim to achieve and do at William Law. Our vision equally applies to pupils, staff, governors, parents and our whole school community. 

At the heart of our Christian vision are the children. We want children to come into school, happy with beaming smiles; eager and willing to learn.

At William Law, we want the very best for every individual child, so that they can reach their full God given potential. We aim to achieve this through an enriched curriculum that is broad and balanced. Our curriculum prepares them for their future and equips them to become lifelong learners. This is achieved through encouraging reflection, a growth mindset and teaching them to use their William Law Powers. The curriculum that we provide is diverse and inclusive. We believe in providing children with a wide range of curricular and extra-curricular activities to build on their education, but also to equip them with life skills including: clubs, trips, residential visits, visitors, Forest School, Come Dine With Me, productions, Bikeability and swimming.  

The vision that underpins our values are rooted in our Christian ethos.

The values that we develop and encourage are forgiveness, hope, persistence, respect, trust and wisdom



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