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William Law CE Primary School

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School Uniform 


Our school uniform consists of:

  • Trousers and skirts/pinafore dresses should be grey [not black]

  • Cardigans/jumpers should be green (not grey)

  • Polo shirts should be yellow, grey or plain white. Plain white polo shirts can be purchased from most retailers

  • House coloured t'shirt and black shorts should be worn for PE with a plain dark coloured tracksuit in the winter. Dark sports leggings' are now permitted as part of the PE kit during the colder months.

  • Plain white, grey or black socks should be worn and grey tights are acceptable in the colder months.

Children’s footwear must be sturdy and safe, without excessive heels or open toes. Ideally children should wear black shoes or black ankle boots to support if recommended by a medical practitioner. Trainers should only be worn during PE/ sporting activities.


EYFS Uniform

In EYFS we recommend trousers and skirts with elastic waistbands, shoes with velcro and it is a great help if children can fasten their own coats.

Children will be using the outdoor learning environment in all weathers. Please provide them with a pair of wellies and their own waterproof trousers and jacket or an all-in-one weather suit.

We also recommend that you provide your child with a full set of clothing including a change of underwear and trousers/skirt (in case of toilet accidents or they become wet from their outdoor experiences). Please put these in your child’s PE bag and replace them as required. 


Hair and Accessories

Radical hair styles including shaven heads, tramlines and patterns cut into the hair and excessive use of gel are not acceptable. Hair that is shoulder length or longer needs to be tied back please. Hair extensions are not permitted. Large excessive accessories should not be worn, however, small hair clips or plain grey or green headbands are acceptable. 

With the exception of small stud earrings, jewellery (including bracelets and necklaces) is not allowed at school; neither is make up or nail varnish. 

Please could all earrings/studs be removed for PE/Games lessons. Children will need to remove these themselves or not wear earrings that day. 

Smart watches can be worn but these should not be connected to the child's phone (their phone should be switched off and handed in every day). If the watch has a built in GPS then this should also be deactivated whilst in school. 


School Uniform Provider

School uniform is no longer provided through the school. 

It is now available from Chroma Sports, 10 Wulfric Square, Bretton, Peterborough. 

Below is a link to their webpage where you can order online or find out more details about the shop and its location. 

Our uniform provider

A copy of our uniform policy can be found on our Policies page.  

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