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William Law CE Primary School

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School Association


Registered Charity Number 1026549

The William Law School Association was set up in 1988 and is made up of a team of parent volunteers. We are a registered charity and our purpose is to raise money to provide additional items for the school which are not within the usual school budget.

It is very rewarding being part of the committee and although hard work at times, we have a lot of fun organising and running events for our school families. Currently we run a Christmas Bazaar, Summer BBQ, Christmas, Spring and Leavers Discos and provide refreshments at the Soke Sports Event and School Sports day.

Over the years, with amazing support from William Law families, the School Association has typically raised £10-15K per year. This has enabled us to fund lots of enhancements for the school which can be seen on the targets achieved page.

We hold an AGM in October every year, please come along to get involved. The committee changes each year as children leave so we are always looking for new members. Even if you do not want to be a committee member, we would love to hear from you, especially if you would still like to offer a helping hand.

Community Funding


William Law have been successful!

We have some fantastic news about our recent application for funding through the Co-Op Membership Scheme. We have been successful!

The new round of funding opened Monday, 28th October 2019 and runs for 12 months so its now time to get your Co-op rewards card and choose William Law to receive the 1% of what you spend on most Co-op products and services. The bonus is you receive 5% cash back to spend in store. Win Win!

If you already have a membership card, then all you need to do is log onto the Co-op website at https://membership.coop.co.uk/sign-in and choose William Law as your cause.  if you haven't got a Co-op membership card, then pick one up in store for £1 and register your card online to start receiving the 5% cash back!

The project we have chosen to be supported by the Co-op is the purchase of Big Blue Block Sets. The project will bring children of all ages and classes together across the school.  They would collaborate to build different things as well as develop leadership and negotiation skills. These blocks could also be used within our Out of School Club setting too. 

To start earning cash back for the school and for you just register your Co-op card today.

Our nearest Co-op is located at Loxley in Werrington, PE4 5BW so only 5 minutes from the school and very easy to pop in and collect your card.

Thank you again for your continued support and we look forward to updating you with our fundraising totals through the project.

Diary of Events

Wednesday, 25th September 2024 at 6.15pm AGM
Tuesday, 17th December 2024 at 3.15pm KS1 Disco (EYFS, Year 1 and 2)
Tuesday, 17th December 2024 at 4.30pm KS2 Disco
Friday, 13th December 2024 at 4.00pm Christmas Bazaar
Wednesday, 19th March 2024 at 3.15pm KS1 Disco (EYFS, Year 1 and 2)
Wednesday, 19th March 2024 at 4.30pm KS2 Disco
Friday, 11th July 2024 at 4.00pm Annual Inflatables Events
Tuesday, 22nd July 2024 at 4.00pm

Year 6 Leavers Disco

Roles and Responsibilities

Chairperson - Jennifer Rice
  • Leads the committee

  • Prepares agendas and runs committee meetings

  • Liaises with the Head Teacher, Deputy Head, Teachers, Office and Support Staff in School and with the Church

  • Prepares newsletters

  • Reviews the minutes of committee meetings

  • Checks everything is in order for events

Vice Chairperson - Nicola Elding 
  • Assists and supports the Chairperson

  • Takes the minutes at committee meetings in the absence of the Secretary

  • Countersigns cheques

Secretary - Becca Pitchford
  • Types the agenda (following instruction from the Chair) and distributes amongst the committee prior to the meeting

  • Takes the minutes at each committee meeting and circulates them

  • Writes letters on behalf of the committee following instructions

  • Photocopies letters and assists the Chair in typing of newsletters

  • Countersigns cheques

Treasurer - Sally Chin
  • Keeps a financial record of all transactions and provides a monthly report of finances (in the form of a spreadsheet) at each committee meeting

  • Prepares the annual report for the AGM

  • Pays invoices

  • Arranges the floats and banks the money from each event

  • Arranges the yearly audit of accounts with an Accountant

  • Performs the online annual return for the Charity Commission

Vice Treasurer - Kristian Nordkvelle
  • Assists and supports the Treasurer

  • Countersigns cheques

  • Arranges the floats for events

  • Banks the money from each event

Committee Members:
Rob Miles
Zara Brencs 
Sam Skutela
Rekha Singh
Artwell Chifura
Michelle Abbott-Hydon 


We are a registered charity and have to adhere to rules set out in the Constitution. Here is a copy of our latest constitution.

William Law School Association Constitution

 Targets Achieved 

We are proud of our fundraising efforts!

As a School Association, did you know that we have provided or helped with all the following over the years!!!

♥️ Children's lockers
♥️ Bike Racks at the play park
♥️ Reindeer visit
♥️ Reception welcome bags
♥️ Updating the reflection area & bench
♥️ Dictionaries and thesauruses
♥️ Dinner tables/chairs
♥️ Cardio equipment
♥️ Table tennis table
♥️ Come dine with me equipment
♥️ Trim trail extension
♥️ Desert corridor
♥️ Early years workbench
♥️ Books for various year groups
♥️ Production sound equipment
♥️ Animal experience visit

Thank you for your continued support! We couldn't do it without you. 


Contact Us

Any ideas of suggestions?

We welcome any ideas or suggestions that you may have for fundraising events and would love to hear from you if you would like to help out on a particular event, or offer help for something else but do not wish to become a committee member.  Please contact us by leaving your name and contact details with the school office or e-mail directly at school.association@williamlaw.pdet.org.uk and someone from the committee will get back to you.


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