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William Law CE Primary School

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Ofsted and performance data


It is with great delight that I am now able to share our Ofsted report, which was conducted at school on the 22nd and 23rd of March 2023. The report is attached as a separate document to this letter. Thank you to all the parents who took the time to complete the Parent View surveys to inform the inspectors decision making process.

Since our previous inspection in 2017, the Ofsted criteria has significantly changed and being ‘good’ under the new criteria is unlike the previous framework. The process is more rigorous and thorough, placing greater emphasis on the whole curriculum and not just English and Maths. I am pleased that the report recognises all the positive strengths and strides forwards since our last Ofsted inspection, and particularly in the last 18 months under the new leadership at William Law. Any areas for improvement are already underway or form part of the school improvement plan for the next academic year.

The overall conclusion of the inspection was that William Law CofE Primary School remains a good school.

The inspector highlighted the following strengths:

  • Pupils embody the school’s Christian Values of learning, living, and loving together and there is a palpable sense of community.

  • There is a culture of reading in the school which supports pupils writing.

  • Leaders ensure that key knowledge is embedding from the early years, to ensure that older pupils have firm grounding to move on their new learning.

  • Pupils get a strong support for their well-being including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

  • The school offers an ambitious and well-designed curriculum.

  • SEND pupils can access the ambitious curriculum.

  • Leaders have increased the capacity of leadership for SEND in school.

  • Leaders are vigilant about keeping pupils safe and take the right actions to ensure that pupils are safe.

  • Staff are well trained in safeguarding and know how to report and log concerns.

  • Pupils know who to talk to if they are worried or concerned.  They also learn how to keep themselves safe.

  • There is little bullying, and any occasional issues are resolved well.

  • Pupils feel safe and happy.

  • Pupils behave well and take pride in their learning.  The curriculum supports the pastoral development of pupils’ positive attitudes and character traits.

  • Pupils enjoy a range of exciting opportunities which extend their learning, including trips and musical opportunities.

  • Staff are supported by leaders with workload and their career development.

There are two areas for improvement, one relates to individualised SEND provision and the other relates to revisiting previously learnt areas of the curriculum. Regarding SEND, the report highlights the need for a precise and individualised approach to cater for the needs of some children with SEND. Both areas for improvement have been a focus of this term’s professional development for staff and we will continue to do so for the rest of this academic year. 

Thank you to all the pupils, parents, staff and governors, who make William Law a wonderful place to learn, live and love together.


William Law CE Primary - Ofsted - March 2023

William Law CE Primary - Ofsted - April 2017


Our performance data

The DFE publish Primary School Performance Tables each year. We invite you to use the link below to access the current School League Tables.

School Performance Tables

Please click here to access the William Law CE Primary specific page.  Please note that these performance measures are for the 2018 to 2019 academic year and are not current.  


The Government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. They have archived data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance. 


William Law CE Primary - End of Key Stage Results - 2023


SIAMS Report

As William Law is a Church of England academy, we are also inspected by the Diocese; the last inspection took place in March 2019. Some of the headlines are below:

  • Inspirational leadership from the Headteacher

  • Highly skilled senior leadership team

  • Governors are unanimous in valuing each child as a child of God

  • The school’s Christian vision drives the exceptionally innovative and creative work of the school

  • Collective worship energises the school day

  • High quality RE inspires pupils to critically explore religion and world views in the context of the modern world

  • The role of the inclusion manager and learning mentors to support vulnerable pupils and work with parents

  • Learning that is innovative, challenging and fun

  • Prayer places God at the centre of this community and is a tangible expression of hope


William Law CE Primary - SIAMS - Report March 2019

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