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William Law CE Primary School

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We are excited to share that we have developed our Curriculum Overviews. This year we will be using Seesaw as a platform to further communicate and share each year group's curriculum overview and homework maps. Each term, these slides will be shared with parents via the app, meaning these will be made accessible throughout the whole term. Teachers will share the skills and genres within Reading, Writing and Maths, alongside the foundation subjects' coverage. These will be focused primarily on our knowledge organisers containing key vocabulary, previous learning and core knowledge. 

There is voiceovers to guide you through the curriculum slides and to further explain what each subject entails. We hope that this can be used as further reference and ensure parents and carers are up to date with what their children are learning across the academic year. 

Please click on your child's year group to see the PDF versions of the Autumn term’s homework maps and curriculum slides.  These can also be found on your child’s Seesaw journal along with voiceovers and guides.

Our full curriculum is below. If you should require a hard copy of this, please contact the office staff at office@williamlaw.pdet.org.uk to request one. 



Please see below the Curriculum Maps and Homework Maps for more information regarding your child's learning.

You can also access the curriculum overview with the voice overs below:

EYFS Curriculum Overview


Year 1

Please see below the Curriculum Maps and Homework Maps for more information regarding your child's learning.  

You can also access the curriculum overview with the voice overs below:

Year 1 Curriculum Overview - Part 1 

Year 1 Curriculum Overview - Part 2


Year 2

Please see below the Curriculum Maps and Homework Maps for more information regarding your child's learning.  

You can also access the curriculum overview with the voice overs below:

Year 2 Curriculum Overview


Year 3

Please see below the Curriculum Maps and Homework Maps for more information regarding your child's learning.  

You can also access the curriculum overview with the voice overs below:

Year 3 Curriculum Overview


Year 4

Please see below the Curriculum Maps and Homework Maps for more information regarding your child's learning.  

You can also access the curriculum overview with the voice overs below:

Year 4 Curriculum Overview


Year 5

Please see below the Curriculum Maps and Homework Maps for more information regarding your child's learning.  

You can also access the curriculum overview with the voice overs below:

Year 5 Curriculum Overview


Year 6

Please see below the Curriculum Maps and Homework Maps for more information regarding your child's learning.  

You can also access the curriculum overview with the voice overs below:

Year 6 Curriculum Overview


Subject Stories






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