School Lunches
The price of a school meal is now £2.50 per day/£12.50 per week for KS2. KS1 are universal free school meals.
Parents are reminded that payment for school meals must be made in advance with Arbor being the preferred method of payment. Please speak to the office staff if you haven't already got an account.
The school kitchen is able to provide meals for children with severe allergies or for any children who have a medically recognised condition i.e. celiac. We are a nut free school. Should you wish to discuss your child's requirements with school, please contact
School does offer a vegetarian option every day, please see the menu which is sent home via Arbor.
Any queries concerning dinner money should be directed to Miss Smith, preferably during mornings between 8.45am and 9.30am.
Lunchtime at William Law
An enthusiastic team of Lunchtime supervisors provide all children with a range of fun activities which are aimed to include all children. The activities range from snakes and ladders, hockey, parachute, long jump and football to name a few.
Competitions are run among the children and one of the most popular is the Conker Championship which is run in October of each year. There are many others which include skipping, long jump, basket ball and penalty shoot out.