We are delighted that you are considering a place for your child(ren) at William Law CE school. We are passionate about creating an environment and ethos which makes children skip to school in the mornings.
We are proud to be a Church of England school and we welcome everyone with open arms. To begin the process of joining us, click here.
How to apply for a school place at William Law CE Primary School
The Academy Governance Committee (AGC) have delegated responsibility for admissions in our school and are therefore responsible for all admissions. All places are allocated in accordance with our Admissions Policy which you will find below.
Admission to Reception
Children are able to start at William Law CE Primary School in the September following their 4th birthday. Applications for reception can be made in the autumn term. The deadline is 15th January.
Applications must be made through the local authority where you live. For our internal processes, we also ask that you complete and return the Application form for William Law (as below) and return this to school by the deadline date.
If you wish to apply on faith grounds, please complete our Supplementary Information Form (SIF) which is available below in addition to the local authority application form and return to the school by 15thJanuary.
If you have a child that is due to start in September 2025, we would love to welcome you to one of our open days.
Please contact the school office on or call 01733 577600 to book onto your preferred session.
EYFS Video Link
The 2025-2026 EYFS cohort will start school on Wednesday, 10th September 2025.
In Year Applications
If you are interested in joining our school and would like to arrange a visit please contact the school office on 01733 577600 or email
We are part of the Peterborough City Council in year scheme, which means applications must be made via the local authority rather than directly to the school. You can do this online here: In Year Transfer
If you wish to apply on faith grounds, please complete our Supplementary Information form which is available below in addition to the local authority application form and return to the school.
Peterborough City Council will notify you in writing if you are to be offered a place. Please contact William Law directly to accept or decline the place as soon as possible.
‘At William Law, we are one big family and we absolutely love learning!' Leon, Year 5
‘Every member of school that we have ever had contact with has always been extremely welcoming, friendly and professional. The staff are an excellent attribute to the school. As parents, we value the broad range of clubs, enrichment activities and experiences William Law provides in comparison to other schools.’ Parent of a Year 6 pupil
‘The staff at William Law are so friendly. I love the impact of it being a Church of England School – you see that through everything the children do. The school is particularly excellent at supporting children with additional needs.’ Parent of a Year 3 and Year 4 pupil.
“As a parent I feel William Law is a warm and friendly school and my daughter loves coming to school every day. The teachers & staff go above and beyond for all the children and you can really tell.” Parent of a Reception child
How to appeal for a place at William Law CE Primary School
If you have applied and been refused a place at our school (in any year group), you are entitled to appeal against that decision.
Appeals for PDET academies are administered by The Diocese of Peterborough Education team. For more information on the process please see: Appeals - The Diocese of Peterborough. If you wish to appeal please contact: and ask for an appeals pack.
The pack includes some explanatory notes about the process of Admission Appeals and a Notice of Appeal form that, should you decide to proceed with an appeal, will need to be completed and returned by email if possible, but if not, to the Diocesan Office instead.
Timetable for appeals in relation to September 2025 applications
16th April 2025 | National Offer Day |
20th May 2025 (9.00am) | Deadline for lodging on-time appeals |
Week commencing 16th June 2025 | Notification of the hearing date and time and Statement of Case to be sent to appellants |
20th June 2025 | Deadline for additional evidence |
Week commencing 7th July 2025 |
Appeal dates
Appeals will be heard on Zoom
Decision letters will be sent within 5 working days of the appeal hearing, subject to any unforeseen circumstances |
Admission Documents and policies
Application for William Law CE Admission EYFS
download_for_offlineApplication for William Law CE Admission EYFS
- Designated Catchment Area download_for_offline
download_for_offlineDesignated Catchment Area
Admissions Policy 2025 - 2026
download_for_offlineAdmissions Policy 2025 - 2026
- William Law Supplementary Information Form SIF A and B download_for_offline
download_for_offlineWilliam Law Supplementary Information Form SIF A and B
Leaving William Law CE Primary School
If you are removing your child from William Law and transferring them to another school, you will need to complete an in-year transfer form with the Local Authority. This should be sent to
You should advise school of your child's last day at William Law in advance, of their leaving date to enable their class to make them a card and say their goodbyes. Please email with this information.
If you are leaving Peterborough for a period of time or your child is moving to a school outside of the City of Peterborough or the United Kingdom, then a Leaving City Form should be completed and school informed that you have done this.
Please see Peterborough City Council's website for further information:-
- William Law Supplementary Information Form SIF A and B download_for_offline
Peterborough Diocese Education Trust
PDET is a family of Church of England Schools across Northamptonshire, Peterborough and Rutland.
Visit Site - Designated Catchment Area download_for_offline